Buses and trains in the Bergen region of Norway

Railway services:

There is a regular long-distance express service from Bergen to Oslo, with stops at Voss, Myrdal (for the Flåm railway), Geilo and Gol (for Hemsedal) along the way.

By using the bus or boat link to Stavanger, there are then train services from Stavanger to Kristiansand in the south, and onward to Oslo.

Bus and coach services:

There are extensive regular bus services within the Bergen region, operated by TIDE.

There is also a network of long-distance coach services that connect the towns, for example Kystbussen runs between Stavanger and Bergen - often stopping at Haugesund, and linking with Ryanair flights. 
There are other express bus services to Trondheim, over Haukeli to Oslo, north towards Ålesund and east through Voss and Flåm to Sogndal, deep in Sognefjord.
There are airport bus services and also skibuss services